The Toddler classroom serves children 15-36 months.

Our youngest children are welcomed into a small, nurturing environment in which they begin their life in community. Through open exploration and interactions with peers and teachers, they begin to “absorb” new skills and habits.


Practical life

Practical life activities are the cornerstone of our toddler classroom. This begins with children learning to care for themselves: dressing, washing, and toileting. They build independence, coordination, and control as they interact with gross motor activities as well as smaller work like pouring and sorting.

Sensorial | Gan Montessori Wilmette


Through sensorial activities, toddlers delve into a world of textures, colors, shapes, sizes, tastes, and smells. This work is about cultivating deep attention and keen senses. Exploring sensorial materials sparks a curiosity that naturally progresses towards experimentation and understanding of beginning mathematical concepts.



Language development blossoms through immersive experiences with singing, storytelling, and conversation. Toddlers naturally absorb vocabulary and hone communication skills in a joyful atmosphere.



Art becomes another opportunity for sensorial exploration as our youngest begin to see themselves as makers. Through this creative process and exposure to new mediums, they develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. 


A delightful meeting of mind and Jewish heart.

At Gan Montessori, your child will learn life and learning skills, gain confidence, and develop a meaningful Jewish identity.